South Knoxville Alliance News

Congratulations Joe Hill Roadshow

About this project: This is an upcoming South Knoxville event that is part of a nation-wide series that honors the songwriter and labor organizer Joe Hill on the centennial anniversary of his death. More info at

Thank you, Abdalla Husain for treating us to your music at the dinner.

Save the date for the next Knoxville SOUP dinner - January 7, 2016. Location TBD. Submit your proposal now!

Calling all artists of all genres. Submit an application to be our featured artist in January.

Other projects that presented at this dinner:

Vestal School Pottery: Transforming an old school room into a pottery studio.Goal is a facility for a professional studio where classes and workshops can be held. First step is bringing the studio up to code so I can have electricity for my kilns.

Family Friendly Drum Circle @ Ijams: Started in 2014 we bring hand drums, shakers, and other types of percussion instruments to Ijams and invite everyone from toddlers to adults to come drum with us. Since we have started we have received invitations from various groups including Earth Day in Knoxville to bring our drums and share the joy of drumming.

SKE Scientists in the Library: This project will involve a week of spectacular science experiments that will dazzle and amaze our 3-5 grade students while providing good quality non fiction books to the library at South Knoxville Elementary. Each student will also take home a simple science experiment that he or she may duplicate with the family.

Posted Friday, 11/06/2015, 05:41 PM -