South Knoxville Alliance News

Third Annual Circus Extravaganza


Third Annual 
Circus Extravaganza
Breakthrough Corporation
Tennessee School for the Deaf

Friday May 2,  7pm
Saturday May 3,  2pm
Saturday May 3,  7pm

@ Tennessee School for the Deaf
Old Gymnasium

All on-line tickets are available via will call
Children under 2 on laps are free

[ buy Tickets online ]

Tickets may also be purchased with cash or check at one of the following locations:

+ Breakthrough Corporation - 1805 Maryville Pike - 9a to 5p
+ Tennessee School for the Deaf - Poore Hall @ Switch Board 7:30a to 4p
+ UT - 430 Claxton Complex - 9a to 5p
+ Dragonfly Aerial Arts Studio - 1805 Maryville Pike - Regular class hours

How the Circus Came to Breakthrough

For a few years now Breakthrough Corporation has been creating a neighborhood on several acres purchased at 1805 Maryville Pike.  There are now seven residential homes and cramped (but serviceable) administrative offices, and a great, big, warehouse.  Formerly a paint shop in which tall scenery for tourist attractions in Gatlinberg and elsewhere were created, the warehouse is now considered unusable by almost anyone who sees it.  It is not effectively heated or cooled, it is unfinished, and most would say quite unattractive.

"It would take a fortune to turn this space into anything you could use!" is the exclamation most often heard from Breakthrough visitors.  

Until, one day, a board member from Breakthrough met some aerialists and circus people who needed a space to practice their art.  They walked into the warehouse and took one look at the magnificent 30' ceilings and abundant floor space and said, "It's perfect! Just turn on the lights and let us work"

And work they did - conducting classes and practicing their aerial and circus arts to their hearts' content.

Dragonfly Aerial Arts Studio, along with One World Circus and Groundswell Circus Music are pleased to be presenting the Third Annual Circus Extravaganza to benefit Breakthrough Corporation, and new this year the UT FUTURE Program and Tennessee School for the Deaf.  This show is brought to you by a dedicated group of circus enthusiasts who are donating their time and energy. 

For more information or to purchase tickets visit

Posted Wednesday, 04/23/2014, 09:14 AM -