South Knoxville Alliance News

REO Establishes South Knox/ Seymour Networking Team


Referral Exchange Organization, Inc (REO) has established a new networking team for the South Knoxville and Seymour business area.

The purpose of the team is to pass prequalified referrals for business opportunities between members.

Jim McKesson, who has begun the team, was a 10 year member of a team in west Knoxville that produced over $4,000,000 in revenues between team members just last year.

The team will be meeting once a week on Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. in the conference room at the Labor Exchange located at 2623 Chapman Hwy.

The team is having an invitational membership meeting this Thursday, March 20, 2014, for prospective new team members to visit and learn the earning potential of such a networking team.

This is a business growing opportunity that you won’t want to miss.  Breakfast will be catered.  Please RSVP via text to 8658500491 or email at

Posted Monday, 03/17/2014, 09:19 AM -