South Knoxville Alliance News

SKA Membership Promotion

This year we have had many challenges in promoting South Knoxville commerce. Our plan for 2020 was to shift to a more event-oriented organization. As you know there were several restrictions prohibiting that kind of focus for 2020.

SKA did manage to provide some member-benefits during the pandemic including; re-introducing the Business Card Exchange , offering several Facebook promotion opportunities, and sponsoring a newspaper ad in “The Focus.”

As a Holiday Gift to you, your Board of Directors are waiving the 2021 dues! Furthermore, you can give a free membership to another South Knoxville business or professional. Just have them register online.

South Knoxville Business & Professional Alliance


  • Be part of the voice of the business community to our City & County Elected Officials.
  • Opportunity to be visible at South Knoxville Community events.
  • Be a part of community leadership and caring with SOUP Dinners.
  • Cost effective marketing with Co-operative advertising and online promotions.
  • Listed on the SKA website with reciprocal links and SKA logo for your website and marketing.
  • Serve in a leadership role on the Board or Event committee to decide events and guest speakers.

Register for your FREE, 2021 Membership

Posted Monday, 12/14/2020, 03:16 PM -