South Knoxville Alliance News

SKA Monthly Meeting - April 16th

April 16, 2018; Dogwood Elementary Library, 6:30 p.m.

Guest Speaker for the evening – Erin Phelps, Business Reference librarian at Lawson McGhee Library
SKA Business Spotlight – Monte Stanley, Stanley's Greenhouse

Mark your calendars now to attend our April 16th, SKA monthly meeting. Our special guest for the evening is Erin Phelps.

Erin works in Business Reference at Lawson McGhee Library in downtown Knoxville. Over the 12 years she has worked as a librarian, she has provided businesses and entrepreneurs with assistance in areas of market analysis, competitor research, and consumer demographics. A relative newcomer to Knoxville (and a resident of South Knox), Erin loves the energy of the Knoxville businesses and entrepreneurs and is proud to work in support of such a community.

Also mark your calendars for the next SKA Business Card Exchange on Wednesday, April 25, 2018 - 8:00 a.m. NEW LOCATION: Elder's Ace Hardware, 4219 Chapman HwyAce will give away a gift card.

Hope you will join us for a very informative evening.

Posted Wednesday, 04/04/2018, 12:24 PM -