South Knoxville Alliance News

Events happening at Ijams Nature Center in 2019

Take Action! Big and Small Ways You Can Save the Planet
March 1-April 14, 2019

New for 2019, this six-week conservation series features programs on how to conserve natural resources and reduce our carbon footprint, movies and speakers that have an environmental message, and cleanup events and volunteer workdays will help care for the place we all call home. Take Action! participants who attend two or more activities will be invited to an Action Hero Conservation Celebration; those who attend four or more will receive an Ijams reusable water bottle. Sponsorships range from $500-$5,000.

Ijams River Rescue
April 6, 2019, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

A wonderful way to clean up the waters around East Tennessee and raise awareness for the importance of keeping our waterways clean and healthy.  About 625 volunteers collected 39.7 tons of trash and tires at 42 sites from the headwaters of the Tennessee River to Watts Bar in 2018. Sponsorships range from $500-$5,000.

Movies Under the Stars
June-October 2019

In partnership with Central Cinema, Ijams presents a series of classic horror movies, animated films, popular movies, and Terror in the Woods, which features horror movies and a haunted trail from FrightWorks. It’s a great night on the Visitor Center lawn with food trucks, beer and other beverages, and a little movie magic. Sponsorships range from $500-$2,500.

2019 Movie Schedule (movies being confirmed)

  • June 14: Ernest Goes to Camp
  • July 13: Terror in the Woods: Double Feature A Nightmare on Elm Street (R) and A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors(R) PLUS a Haunted Trail from FrightWorks
  • Aug. 6: Alice in Wonderland (PG)
  • Sept. 20: Edward Scissorhands (PG-13)
  • Oct. 4: Maximum Overdrive (R)


The Wonder of Hummingbirds Festival
Aug. 24, 2019, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.

The Wonder of Hummingbirds Festival features speakers on nature topics, wildlife educational demonstrations, guided walks, and vendors selling food and drinks, plants, locally made arts and crafts, bird feeders and supplies, and garden items. But the main highlight of this event is the opportunity for visitors to get close to ruby-throated hummingbirds and learn about them during banding demonstrations by Mark Armstrong, a certified Master Bander. Sponsorships range from $500-$5,000.

Ijams Symphony in the Park
Sept. 8, 2019, 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Ijams’ biggest fundraiser of the year held on a beautiful fall evening. Featuring hors d’oeuvres, wine and beer, a silent auction and seated dinner with music from the Knoxville Symphony Chamber Orchestra, a special musical guest and a special visual artist. Tickets are $175, tables are $1,750 and sponsorships range from $3,000-$10,000.

Trail Sponsorships

Trail and location sponsorships are a great way to support Ijams Nature Center’s wildlife sanctuary and environmental education programs while receiving maximum exposure in a beautiful natural setting. About 160,000 people locally and from around the world visit Ijams each year. Ijams’ trail and location sponsorships allow companies and organizations to sponsor a specific trail or natural location such as an overlook on the Tennessee River for a period of one year. Sponsorships include professionally designed and mounted sponsorship sign, on-site photo opportunity/donor recognition and recognition on the Ijams website. Sponsorships range from $250-$2,500.

Posted Friday, 01/25/2019, 07:37 PM -