South Knoxville Alliance News

SKA Monthly Meeting - June 18th

After several members expressed a desire to change the meeting time for our monthly meetings and because we are unable to meet at Dogwood Elementary during the summer, our meeting this month will be Candoro Arts & Heritage Center (4450 Candora Avenue) at 3:30 p.m.

Guest speakers for the evening - Lana Shelton-Lowe, Dogwood Elementary and Andrew Brown, South Doyle Middle School
SKA Business Spotlight - Samantha Lane, Computer Systems Plus

We hope to see you there.

Mark your calendars now for our next Candidate Meet & Greet for the candidates for U.S. Hose of Representatives-District 2 and State Representative-District 19. The Meet & Greet will be July 16th – the date of our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. More details to come.

Please join us for an opportunity to meet each of the candidates.

Posted Wednesday, 06/13/2018, 03:52 PM -